<Previous Edition | Volume 20 Number 4 2003 | Next Edition>

View the Editorial for this issue

Rev Dr David Hilborn Head of Theology at the Evangelical Alliance (UK). He is also Assistant Curate at St Mary's, Acton in West London and an Associate Research Fellow of the London Bible College.
Homosexuality, Covenant and Grace in the Writings of Rowan Williams: An Evangelical Response

David Hilborn has read widely in the writings of Rowan Williams and here offers a helpful introduction to his thinking on homosexuality. He highlights Williams's limited discussion of 'covenant' and his emphasis instead on the experience of grace in various sexual encounters. In response he offers a gracious but clear evangelical critique that focuses on Williams's account of grace and his treatment of biblical texts.

Anglican Life in Mission
EFAC International Consultation

This important statement was issued after the International Consultation on Anglican mission held by the Evangelical Fellowship of the Anglican Communion in Limuru, Kenya in July 2003. It provides us with a biblically based theology of holistic mission that arises out of and addresses the challenging and painful realities of our contemporary world.

Revd Nick Jones, Vicar of St John's Great Horton, Bradford
Muslim-Christian Tensions : Perspectives from Northern Nigeria

Nick Jones's recent return to visit Northern Nigeria enables him to introduce us to Muslim-Christian tensions in that region. Setting recent local crises in wider political and legal contexts as well the historical and contemporary context of Christian mission in Nigeria, Jones offers suggestions as to areas of shared concern and possible steps to reconciliation between Muslims and Christians

Revd Colin Patterson Adult Education Adviser in the Diocese of Durham
Dealing With Conflict in the Church of England

Colin Patterson builds on his discussion of conflict in the New Testament in the last issue to address conflict at various levels within the Church of England. He sets current patterns of dealing with conflict in the wider cultural context of Western society and, drawing on other cultures, argues for a more intuitive and subjective ('right-brain') and less logical and verbal ('left-brain') approach in an attempt to reform the Church of England.